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Is Center for Legal Justice another scam company in the Timeshare industry?
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7/8/2010 5:05 PM (PST)

Is Center for Legal Justice another scam company in the Timeshare industry? They contacted me today saying they could get my money back from the companies that had frauded me regarding selling my timeshare. When I asked what made them any different from all the other scam compaines. She said it was because this is with an attorney, Howard Feinmel, who would be taking legal action on those companies on my behalf. Of course they have a fee, 18% of amount I'm seeking back, which she referred to as a lawyer retainer fee. When I asked if they were accredited with BBB she said no because Mr. Feinmel is listed with Florida Bar Assoc. Is this another reload scam like I was offered last week from Consumer Protective Agency, Inc. (CPAI)??? Will this industry ever be rid of all these scams?

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7/23/2010 12:29 PM (PST)

I am curious where you obtained your information Bill? I hired Howard Feinmel through The Center for Legal Justice both are affiliated with the Florida Bar which I checked out prior to entering into a retainer agreement. This appears to be the best way to recover losses from fraudulent timeshare companies via the legal system. I am happy with the services provided

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8/12/2010 9:31 AM (PST)

Well, I was contacted yesterday by C4LJ and just started working on my due diligence on them. I was given a different lawyer by the name of Evan Kagan with his own website of, which I haven't gotten to yet, nor the Florida bar yet. So, Jerry - what has been going on with your case?

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8/12/2010 9:56 AM (PST)

Well, a Mr. Evan Kagan is a lawyer and registered with the Florida Bar but his address/phone information differs from what is registered from his website which was just created in May 2010. He is young, in a law office of 1 and he graduated in 2005. The website for Center for Legal Justice was created in May of 2010 also but the domain was registered in Feb. 2010. So, that right there are a couple of flags that make me suspicious. There is nothing on the BBB for either Evan Kagan or C4LJ.

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8/12/2010 1:26 PM (PST)

Some attorney's have multiple addresses; use different shipping and physical addresses not to mention the fact that people do move. It’s my understanding that the Center for Legal Justice has put together a team of attorneys. Why would you be concerned when a web site was created? I checked the date they started doing business. In the end you're dealing with an attorney not The Center for Legal Justice who once again is only the referral service. The BBB real means nothing in this case. There are timeshare resale companies with A ratings with the BBB. You mean to tell me the BBB doesn’t know that it’s illegal to charge up front fee's to market real estate in Florida? So everyone one of these companies is committing fraud. As a matter of fact the last two years the industry has topped the number of complaints with the Attorney Generals Office. Come now!

Attorneys are REGULATED by the bar. They’re truly regulated unlike the BBB who is just a business community watch dog no more. Nobody is held accountable to the BBB unless a consumer complains then the BBB will change rating but has no authority to close a business or to take licenses. Attorneys are accountable to the bar and can loose their license to practice law if the don't act in accordance to the bars rules and regulation. I've done my fair share of research I am completely confident in dealing with the center for legal justice. They contact me at least every two weeks with information pertaining to my case. I can ensure you this IS NOT fraud! Once again I am very happy with the way things are progressing.

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8/14/2010 4:17 AM (PST)

I am not sure which Howard Feinmel you are talking about but Attorney Howard Feinmel that I hired has an "A-" rating with the BBB.

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9/2/2010 10:18 AM (PST)

Robert how long has it been since you retain your lawyer and has he recovered any of your money? I was scamed by Timeshare companies and I have tried to get my money back and I have not had any luck. The Center for Legal Justice referral representative contacted me who apparently works with Evan Kagan Law Firm, So do you know anything about this attorney?

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9/2/2010 4:34 PM (PST)

Hello everyone. I have the best update for everyone! I've been contacted by a sales rep, I mean employee of the Center for Legal Justice yesterday and again today trying to be very pushy in convincing me to provide them with $499.00 as a "retainer" for Howard Feinmel. Well, all I had to do was Google his name and low and behold, seems good ol' Howard has a mug shot and likes to drink and drive or use drugs and drive in Florida. If you want to see this lawyer's mug, go to Howard got busted May 6th, 2010. Now it makes sense to me that Howard is paying telemarketers money to find new victims, I mean new clients for him to help out cause Howard can really use the money. No thank you, Howard! I've already been scammed by the Time share scammers and I do not feel like being scammed again this time by a Lawyer with a rap sheet of his own. By the way Robert, you still have not answered the questions asked of you by S.C. Have you actually received your money back from Howard Feinmel???? Has he successfully gotten you money back in your hand??? If so, did it go smoothly? Did it go quickly? Were there problems along the way that is delaying the process? I'd be interested in hearing more of the details from you if you are so happy with Howard.

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9/8/2010 1:24 PM (PST)

I am so gun shy after being scammed so many times in the timeshare resale telemarketing scam that I don't know what to do. The Center for Legal Justice called me out of no where and said they could retrieve my money through their attorneys, mainly Evan Kagan. They want 25% of the estimated money they will get back for me up front, or will take half up front, and the rest later. I feel like it is the same scam by another name. Money up front and who are these people I talk to on the phone? How did they know I had been scammed and how did they know how to get in touch with me. I've had a second such company, Nationwide Recovery, call me. The FL Att Gen Office isn't really much help. Can anyone give me some first hand experience in such a situation? Has anyone gotten money back through the work of the Center for Legal Justice? Thanks

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9/10/2010 6:04 AM (PST)

After reasding these posts I was a little worried about any calls regarding timeshares from any company so instead I decided to call Mr. Kagan's law office directly after googling his name and finding his website. Mr. Kagan took my call and he was very helpful and informative. On top of that he said he had filed several class action lawsuits against the timeshare companies and their owners and added me to those lawsuits on a contingency retainer with no money upfront. I can't wait to see the owners of these timeshare companies get sued. If you are hesitant about the referral companies calling you then just call the lawyers directly. Sue Alpert New Mexico

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9/10/2010 8:45 AM (PST)

Sue A., thanks for your update, but I'm wondering how or why Mr. Kagan agreed to add you to the class action lawsuits on a contingency retainer with no money upfront, when the telemarketer/salesperson representing Mr. Kagan and Mr. Howard Feinmel told me that there is NO way they would take on my case or anyone else's case without payment up front first. While I admit I am leery of attorneys and generally consider them to be bottom feeders on the food chain of respectable professions, I am wondering who to believe here. Did you have to sign a contract with Mr. Kagan? Did he promise you a time frame of action? Are you required to pay Mr. Kagan any money BEFORE he provides you with your money from the Class action suit (assuming he wins, of course)? I did Google Mr. Kagan and his photo is nice, but he looks like he just graduated High School. I'm sure he is a very competent attorney, who has a desire and a motive to get involved in a class action suit, but I'm wondering how or why he thinks he has what it takes to get it done. Yes, I will call him myself to find out the answers to my questions, but I would love to hear your answers to my questions as well to compare the responses. Thank you for your feedback. k.b. in AZ.

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9/10/2010 2:18 PM (PST)

K.D., I also think lawyers are ruining this country but Mr. Kagan seemed very nice. I am not sure of his age but he was very helpful and spent a lot of time talking to me. I signed a contingency retainer for the class action with no money paid unless he wins the lawsuit and recovers money. He explained he did take on some clients to help them recover funds outside of the class action and usually charges some type of upfront fee for that. After explaining that I did not have much money right now he said that he could explain the process to me and I could probably recover the money myself if I did not give up using his free advice, and if that did not work I could always come back and work with him later on. He did not pressure me or try to sell me at all. I hope this helps. Probably good to be cautious of anyone posting overly negative stuff because they are probably the timeshare re-sale companies and recovery companies owned by the same people.

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9/20/2010 6:07 PM (PST)

This should help answer any question questions of legitimacy. The following links will take you to lawsuits that has been filed in palm beach county for consumers against numerous timeshare organizations by the center for legal justice and their attorney's. And for K.B. Do we live in a country where we are guilty till proven innocent? I think not. Howard has not been convicted of any crime. If you haven't ran into personal issue or know someone who is close to you that has had problems in their personal life then I guess you're above the rest of us and should be sitting in the seat of judgment. Plain and simple the Center For Legal Justice and their attorneys go the distance for their clients!

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9/22/2010 9:38 AM (PST)

So, Jerry and Sue...... How do we know you two are not mouthpieces for the C4LJ? Amazingly, on every timeshare "sale" call I get, I do an internet search. Strangely(?), on ALL (YES, I MEAN ALL) the sites that have posts questioning the legitimacy of the company, there is always one, two or three posters that have amazing stories of vast sums received for their timeshares. Amounts well in excess of the possible value of the timeshares involved (Yes, I research the value ranges of the timeshares so reported). So, my question to you is: "Without any evidence that the C4LJ has actually recovered anything for you, how do we know that you are not simply part of the services that these scammers hire to post positive (but false) info about the scam companies? It is well know by those of us who do deep research on timeshare scams that the scammers have a network of people that they pay to search out negative posts about their operations and to try and redirect the criticism back on those that have already been scammed and are exposing the scam companies. For those that care to do a google search, they will see that The Center of Legal Justice meets all the same characteristics of the companies they purport to be defending against. -They are a new company, their website is new. -They magically have your name and information on your timeshare, though you haven't provided it to a legitimate source (related to fraud prosecution) -The attorneys' (personnel) involved are different from day to day, and week to week (my contact was for a new guy, Casey Tillman) - same revolving door personnel tactic as the scammers -Up front money is requested -No BBB membership -Promises of great recovery (gains) with no actual proof or track record of actually ever having recovered anything for anybody -They have people hired to counter negative posts with posts that sound amazingly alike the counterposts for "sales" companies (i.e. the posts sound just like commercials for the scammers, and the posters can never provide proof that they are who they say they are. -They are based out of Florida or Texas (what is it about these two states that make them a haven for these scammers?) -Do a phone number check on the return number they give you. The one I was given is a CELL PHONE! What business uses cell phones instead of land lines? A business that does not want to be traced to a specific address! -Run a google check on the NAME of the person that called you or that is stated as the person in charge. _Try to find a street address of the scammer company. Can anyone find a street address for the C4LJ? (I have to wonder about a company that says they provide Cont. Ed courses for attnys, but they teach them at local comedy clubs? Is this a JOKE?????) -Their website ( lists them as a public savings bank, FDIC insured????? Interestingly enough, a search of FDIC database, for a bank named 866 bank (or any variation thereof) shows NO bank by that name

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9/22/2010 10:05 AM (PST)

Lets do the math here Flic L.: 1. The Center for Legal Justice is an accredited BBB Member with an A- rating and is regulated by the Florida Bar. 2. The Center for Legal Justice does not "recover money" they refer members of the public to attorneys. 3. The Center for Legal Justice rents the Improv Comedy Club on the weekends so that it can teach attorneys a Continuing Legal Education course also approved by the Florida Bar at a $10,000,000 dinner theater rather than a hotel conference room. 4. The Center for Legal Justice has a contract with 2 national banks and is authorized to assist consumers rebuild their credit with secure credit cards. And what is it that you do Flic L. to justify your existence on the earth sucking up our oxygen and using our resources.

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9/23/2010 12:42 PM (PST)

In otherwords, YOU ARE their mouthpiece, set out to try and convince everyone to give them money. Just admit it! Don't be a tool and try to convince everyone elsewise. Just come right out and admit the truth. You either work directly for the C4LJ, or you are compensated by them in some manner to post positive things about them! Be honest! What I am is a timeshare owner that gets 15 calls a month from scammers. Haven't found a SINGLE ONE yet that was legit! So, I'm really adept at snooping out frauds like you! But hey, nice try, Bob!

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9/23/2010 2:25 PM (PST)

Flic, the issue is you making statements about a company that has an unblemished record and I merely did your research and posted the results.

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9/24/2010 11:20 AM (PST)

Read into who runs the C4LJ Ed Cherry a disbarred attorney. They are a scam and work with Larry Diodato and Elimidebt...research those companies and you are drowning in complaints and people who they stole money from.

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9/24/2010 11:42 AM (PST)

I actually work for another law firm who's aware of the services that the center for legal justice provides. I'm not sure how much more evidence one needs then law suits being filed against timeshare companies of behalf of clients by attorneys that the CFLJ referred.

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9/24/2010 9:19 PM (PST)

Flic"Are you Retarded?...The B.B.B is a membership based program,they donot actually care at all on how good a company is..CALL and ASK! You PAY TO PLAY WITH THEM!!..Also 1866bank is a website not a BANK!!You must not have anything better to do then set on here and right negitive shit about a company that helps people,the things that erks me about you is that you havent even worked with them and your that how you live your Life?If so I really feel bad for you.Also the Center for Legal justice Refers clients,to Florida bar Atty's I think everyone would agree,if your in good standings with them thats better then a "paid membership to the B.B.B?!Do yourself a BIG favor,stop being negitive,because Karma comes back my friend!..Jim M...You also..are you retarded Elimidebt is a debt company,they had a A+ rating before the B.B.B took ratings away because they dont rate Settlement companies anymore,but on the otherhand why dont you look at there complaints I believe its 36 in 6 years?...Hmm I think thats pretty good,if you want to look at complaints,google Wal-Mart,or your local bank,they have THOUSANDS!! It is a PAID FEE for god sakes people realize this!!!

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10/12/2010 4:15 PM (PST)

Christina J.
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All of them are a scam, I searched Howard Feinmel and was shocked with my findings!!
The Law Office of Howard Feinmel, P.A. Company Profile - Located ...Incorporated by Howard Feinmel, The Law Office of Howard Feinmel, PA is located at 4400 N Federal Hwy Ste 200 Boca Raton, FL 33431. The Law Office of Howard ...
Show map of Ste 200, 4400 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL 33431-5180

12230 Forest Hill Boulevard, 175
Wellington, FL 33414
under sunbiz it lists
Principal Address
Changed 04/14/2010
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number P09000090349
Officer/Director Detail *****
Name & Address
Title P *************
SHEA, RICHARD****************
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number P10000009903
FEI/EIN Number 271812067
Date Filed 02/02/2010
State FL
Effective Date 02/02/2010
Officer/Director Detail***********
Name & Address
Title P ***********
SHEA, RICHARD**************
40950 STATE RD. 7, STE L-304
Annual Reports

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10/20/2010 11:54 AM (PST)


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10/26/2010 2:14 PM (PST)

fee sharing is illegal for attorneys in the florida state bar......''outbound call center'' you idiots really did'nt give that one much thought. kagan and feinmel are all about SCAMS, D.U.I'S, and GETTING RAIDED by the broward county sheriffs office. the links below will give you a good idea about whats going on.

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10/30/2010 12:50 AM (PST)

Haha! Jerry, it looks like you are with the center for legal justice. If you are an attorney you won't be for long. The note from Evan s. Kagan h. About fee sharing is exactly right. You can't defend it. How does one work on a contingency basis but also collect a retainer fee?????? These guys are saying they are putting together a class action lawsuit which I believe is impossible. If they continue on the path they are on they will become one. scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam scam

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11/11/2010 6:33 PM (PST)

Howard Feinmel is an excellent attny.

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11/15/2010 10:07 AM (PST)

k.d. and Flic....have you ever hired a lawyer? I have never met a lawyer, doctor, or cpa that works totally for free. Does that make them all scammers? Which would you prefer, a set fee or a percentage? What world are you living in? It doesn't sound like you know enough about the legal system or anything else for that matter to be making the slanderous comments you are making. Not everyone is a scammer. Not everyone wins every case. Get real, and get a life.

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5/13/2011 4:31 AM (PST)

Boynton Beach ringleader in time-share fraud gets 10 year sentence. With assistance from lawyers that accept referrals from the Center for Legal Justice, the first of many more criminals engaged in Time Share Fraud and Time Share Recovery Fraud will be going to jail. So, all of you scam companies the Center for Legal justice is cooperating with the FBI and the Office of Statewide Prosecution in Florida. Run and hide cockroaches.

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5/21/2011 6:05 AM (PST) The Center for Legal Justice sues Time Share Company

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6/6/2011 2:03 PM (PST)

I would like to know if anyone can validate that they actually went with Center for Legal Justice and got their money back? Everyone talks about that either they can or they are a scam, but if they are legit, then speak up with some proof that you paid the 25% fee and got all your money back! Most of the people on this site have been really burned financially and are scared to trust again. It's sad that there are so many liars out there without a hint of a soul! Where's the proof?

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10/12/2011 9:42 AM (PST)

To Whom It May Concern: I have been working with Mr. Robert Moody, agent with "The Center For Legal Justice" & have found him to be a person who is honest, intelligent & caring. It is refreshing to find an agent who is more concerned about his customer than he is the dollar sign ! He has provided help for me, a retired person at no cost. Elmer L. Malcolm

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5/30/2014 9:24 AM (PST)

Many new timeshare cancellations companies have appeared online recently claiming to assist clients who have become victims of timeshare scam to cancel their timeshare contracts and recover their money from timeshare fraud. These new companies claim that they can help to provide timeshare relief, cancel or divorce you from your timeshare or even donate the timeshare to a worthy cause, but they have very vague statements about how their fees are charged. Some claim to have a money back guarantee, which implies that an upfront fee is required:

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6/7/2022 4:18 AM (PST)

Your post is very nice and informative. It taught me a lot of useful things. Thanks

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6/21/2022 5:34 AM (PST)

Yeah it seems like its not legit, forget this play games online

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11/7/2023 1:31 AM (PST)

Fantastic blog! Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m totally overwhelmed .. Any suggestions? Bless you!| ???????

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11/14/2023 8:03 AM (PST)

Thank you so much for this illuminating piece of writing.

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