vesper l.'s review of

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/7/2012
. 1
. 0
Terrible experience. Placed order and got a confirmation email. SIX days later, still no confirmation of shipment. Called them. The agent told me that the product had been "ordered" from the manufacturer. So obviously they do not STOCK their warehouse with items. It's like a drop ship business. They get the orders, and then they scramble to fill them from various distributors throughout the USA. They send a bunch of requests out to get the product, and who ever comes up with it, ships it to them (and it's probably expired, old, overstock product) and when they get it, they leisurely ship it out to us (the unknowing consumer). It's a scam. When they cannot obtain the product, they just don't send anything at all, from what I can tell from the hundreds of negative reviews on the internet on this company. I have also read about strealing credit card numbers and using them fraudulently - so you should CANCEL your card and get a new one, so this does not happen to you! I just called to cancel my order (even though it's been 6 days and it still has not shipped), and the agent's response was "well we cannot cancel it because we already ordered it and it's on it's way to us and if we cancel it, we will be out the money" . I was like "you have not shippped it, and I do not want it, so it is not my problem you do not stock these items in your warehouse and I must wait indefinietly for the product to arrive!" Still, she would not cancel it. So I requested cancellation via the internet and I am calling my bank to dispute the charge on my statement, and letting them deal with these frauds. Good luck!!
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